Coaches and Healers:

Your voice matters.
The world needs your gift.

It's time to stop procrastinating and do the damn thing!


Coaches and Healers:

Your voice matters.
The world needs your gift.

It's time to stop procrastinating and do the damn thing!

You’re stuck in a pattern of withholding your gifts, and you don’t know how to snap out of it.

You’re a coach, healer or facilitator of some sort. You have a deep desire to be of service and shine your light with the world. You want to fully express yourself but for some reason, you always feel doubtful.

Sound familiar?

  • You don't share on social media because of what people might say or think

  • You question if you're qualified or smart enough to help people

  • You feel overwhelmed by creating and/or launching your projects

  • You procrastinate often and don't feel "ready" yet

  • You feel uncomfortable charging money for your products and/or services

  • You're worried that you won't be able to help or make progress with clients

  • You're nervous about disappointing people and letting them down

  • You have LOTS of ideas but rarely act on them 


aka The Fear Guy

I know what it’s like to feel the intense anxiety that comes up when asking a client for money.

I know what it’s like to have NO ONE sign up for my programs.

I know what it’s like to get hurtful and negative comments on my posts and videos.

“What’s the point of all this?”

“Should I just give up?”

“How much longer can I do this for?”

Those are all thoughts I’ve had on numerous occasions.

I have felt every single ounce of fear that can come up when you decide to step into your power and share your gifts.

The difference is that I know how to RESPOND to these little sabotagers. I don’t let it derail me. I let these fears and doubts propel me into my next level of growth and expansion.

When I first quit my 9-5 job to pursue my own business, I had ZERO business revenue. Sooo many people told me not to quit. They told me to play it safe and make a slow transition when I had more money, more momentum, and more of a plan in place.

To be honest, they were right. I should not have quit. It was delusional and stupid!

Best decision ever.

That one decision catapulted me into an adventure that I had no idea was coming. I can’t imagine having not taken that leap of faith. It gives me chills to think how different my life would have been.

Since that moment, I've now coached hundreds of people break free from fear and limiting beliefs.

I'm a go-to resource when it comes to overcoming fear.

I've spoken on stage to hundreds of people.

I have a 6-figure income doing what I love and helping people. How cool is that?

It's all because I learned how to friend my fear.

No matter how hard you try...

It always feels like you're holding something back

You've taken courses and certifications...

You've endlessly meditated and journaled...

You've probably worked with a coach before...

But something still isn't clicking.

Deep down, you know...
There's a truth you've been avoiding.

It's hard to mentally grasp it, but you know it's there.



It’s your fear.

This is what you've been searching for.
( and simultaneously avoiding )

If you're not doing what you want to do,
it's because you're afraid.

But it's not what you think...

You don't become fearless by force...
(I'm guessing you've tried that already)

Your fear doesn't magically disappear be trying to kill or conquer it.

Fighting your fear only makes it grow stronger.

In this program, you will learn how to LOVE YOUR FEAR.

That's right!

This is the secret sauce you've been waiting for.

When you befriend the fear and painful parts of yourself...

You will discover that they hold the secrets that allow you to fully step into your purpose.




for coaches and healers

 The groundbreaking group coaching program designed to help you identify the root of your fears and limiting beliefs then reprogram them to unlock your truest potential.

from Ben Harris, The Fear Guy

How we get there:

✅ Week 1: How to create a limitless life

✅ Week 2: Reshape your relationship with fear

✅ Week 3: Discover what's been holding you back

✅ Week 4: Reprogram your subconscious mind

✅ Week 5: Break // 1:1 sessions

✅ Week 6: Integrate new beliefs and breakthroughs

✅ Week 7: Celebration ceremony

"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."

- Joseph Campbell

Imagine this with me...

Your creations are inspiring others to transform their life.

You show up on social media with confidence and comfortability.

You are getting paid to be yourself with a schedule and lifestyle you love.

You aren't worried about what other people think of you.

You have the courage to go for exactly what you want.

You take decisive action and aren't afraid to make mistakes.

ALL OF THIS is what's possible on the other side of your fear.



You may not be a neuroscientist or renowned expert...

but you are YOU.

And that's all you need.

You don't have to be anything other than yourself.

You don't need a fancy degree or certification.

Your gift is inside of you.

It's literally who you are, not what you do.

The problem is that you've spent many years feeling unsafe to be yourself.

You've been taught to hide who you are.

So it's scary to be seen 😬

In this program, you'll learn how to be fully and authentically you by overcoming (aka loving) the fears and limiting beliefs that are sabotaging you.


Hear from Past Students

"Fear Alchemy changed everything."
Rob O.
"I feel like I've had an awakening."
Lauren P.

The Details

Group coaching calls will be every Thursday at 11:00AM Central Time.

The calls will be recorded but I highly recommend attending live to get the most from your investment.

Our first call is on August 29.

Registration opens Aug 1 and closes Aug 22.

You will have lifetime access to the Fear Alchemy course.

The recorded group calls will be available for at least 3 months.

The group size is capped at 20 students.

It's about time that you felt deep in your bones... 

You are capable of anything.

You are worthy of being paid for your gifts.

You are powerful and limitless.

You are here to make a difference.

 Sign up now

Payment plans are available for both options.

Click 'register' below and you'll see the payment plan link.



15 spots available

  • Step into your power as a leader and guide
  • Transform your fears and limiting beliefs that are restricting you
  • Confidently share your gifts



5 spots available

  • All the benefits PLUS:
  • One 1:1 breakthrough session with Ben during week 5
  • Unlimited messaging access to Ben for 7 weeks

I designed this program for world changers, but not everyone will be ready.


This is NOT for you if: 

- You're unwilling to look at your fear and limiting beliefs

- You're looking for someone to rescue you

- You are fine with settling and living an unfulfilled life

Still have questions?

Book a free Discovery Call with Ben to ensure this program is right for you before enrolling.