Limitless Income Workshop



the life-transforming workshop that will guide you in breaking through the Invisible Barrier that is keeping you stuck in your life's work!

Do you feel like no matter HOW HARD you try, you always end up feeling stuck with your business?

You know that you are doing everything right, but you can't get past that income barrier??

If you're nodding your head... keep reading, or just register right now 👇🏼


Let me guess... you've recently completed a coaching certification, an online course or a business mastermind and you were SO pumped up from it, took inspired action... and then nothing.

You got frustrated and disheartened because you didn't see results. Now it feels like you’re back to square one and it’s annoying AF.


It begins to feel like it's just not meant for you. 

Like all these other people on social media have figured it out, but not you. You watch them talk about their success and it bothers you that you’re not there yet.

What are you doing wrong? Why aren’t you getting clients or making good money yet? Why do you feel so freaking stuckkk?

Before we go on, I want to clarify that this workshop isn’t for everyone. This is for the person who...

  • wants to make a lot of money, but money isn't your first priority
  • knows that their soul is meant for so much more
  • feels that they have a gift to share, and is likely already practicing it, but wants to learn how to make that gift a true career
  • is a heart-centered coach or leader who wants to make an impact, more than anything else

But as much as your heart wants to succeed, you always find a way to sabotage yourself.

Your brain and body are like “nope” every time you try to make significant progress.


You feel this invisible barrier that’s keeping success just out of reach. 


If this resonates with you, then this workshop will help you get out of your own way so you can start sharing your gifts with confidence and courage.

So you can inspire people with your message.


It's time to start making money by living your purpose. 



HEY, IT'S ME... 

Ben Harris - The Fear Guy

Video Poster Image

I know what it’s like to feel the intense anxiety that comes up when putting out an offer or program and being afraid of hearing crickets.

I know what it’s like to leave a comfortable corporate salary and then have NO ONE sign up for my programs.

I know what it’s like to get hurtful and negative comments on my posts and videos.

I've had thoughts like - 

“What’s the point of all this?”

“Should I just give up?”

“How much longer can I do this for?”

I have felt every single ounce of fear that can come up when you decide to make a huge shift and not reach your financial goals.

But I have also now cracked the code on what it takes to breakthrough the Invisible Barrier that is holding you back from the income and freedom you desire.

What is this Invisible Barrier I keep mentioning? 

Join the workshop and find out!

What we will cover...


During our time together...

You already have the heart. You have the intuition. Now it's time for the tangible training to guide you in releasing exactly what is creating that barrier between you and your future financially-free self!

🔥 Understand the science and psychology of limiting beliefs

🔥 Discover your invisible barrier

🔥 Dissolve the barrier and increase your financial capacity

At the end of the workshop, you will turn off your computer screen and feel clarity. Let's do this together! 


Limitless Income Workshop

Immediate Access to the 2-Hour Workshop


lifetime access to the 2-hour workshop